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    你的位置:BBS Network中文网 > LUNA中文网 > “维基揭秘”创始人阿桑奇,抗争14年后,向美国“认罪换自由”|翻译|记者|网红|英国监狱|朱利安
    发布日期:2025-01-04 16:10    点击次数:70
    今天是早安英文陪你一起进步的第9年又242天INTRODUCTION点击观看今天外刊精讲直播的文章来自《经济学人》的——Julian Assange’s plea deal: a suitable end to a grubby saga在长达14年的拉锯战之后,“维基揭秘”创始人朱利安·阿桑奇(Julian Assange)终于同意认罪,承认违反美国间谍法。根据认罪协议,阿桑奇无需再服刑,即刻获释,可在26日返回澳大利亚,结束这场漫长的法律历程。2024年和早安英文贝贝老师一起读外刊添加贝贝老师的个人微信获取完整版外刊文稿+外教原声朗读学有所得 2024年进步✌Julian Assange’s plea deal: a suitable end to a grubby saga.America was right to have sought his extradition. But a bit of compassion now does not go amiss.✅翻译:朱利安-阿桑奇的认罪协议: 一个肮脏传奇的合适结局, 美国寻求引渡阿桑奇是正确的。 但现在一点同情心也没有错 。重点词汇:grubby adj. /ˈɡrʌbi/1. rather dirty, usually because it has not been washed or cleaned肮脏的;邋遢的;污秽的• grubby hands/clothes脏手╱衣服2. unpleasant because it involves activities that are dishonest or immoral卑鄙的;可鄙的• a grubby scandal丑闻When an unwanted house guest finally departs, the relief is palpable. So it is with the news that Julian Assange has left Britain. On June 24th the founder of WikiLeaks, a website that publishes classified and sensitive information, walked out of Belmarsh, a high-security prison in south-east London where he has spent the past five years, and hopped on a plane to Thailand.✅翻译:当家里的不速之客终于离开,人们会感到如释重负。朱利安-阿桑奇离开英国的消息也是如此。6 月 24 日,维基解密(一个发布机密和敏感信息的网站)的创始人走出了Belmarsh监狱(位于伦敦东南部的一座戒备森严的监狱),搭上飞往泰国的飞机。重点词汇:unwanted adj. /ˌʌnˈwɒntɪd/that you do not want不需要的;多余的;不受欢迎的;无用的• unwanted advice多余的劝告• unwanted pregnancies意外怀孕重点词汇:palpable adj. /ˈpælpəbl/that is easily noticed by the mind or the senses易于察觉的;可意识到的;明显的• a palpable sense of relief 如释重负例句:The tension in the room was almost palpable.屋子里的紧张气氛几乎能感觉到。From there he flew to the Northern Mariana Islands, an American territory in the Pacific, where he pleaded guilty to one charge of violating America’s espionage laws. That fulfilled his side of a deal with the American government, which in return allowed him to go home to Australia. On June 26th he landed in Canberra, a free man.✅翻译:在那里,他承认了一项违反美国间谍法的指控,履行了他与美国政府达成的协议,美国政府允许他返回澳大利亚。6 月 26 日,他以自由人的身份抵达堪培拉。重点词汇:territory n. /ˈterətri/land that is under the control of a particular country or ruler领土;版图;领地• enemy/disputed/foreign territory 敌方╱有争议的╱外国领土• occupied territories被占领的土地重点词汇:plead v./pliːd/to state in court that you are guilty or not guilty of a crime(在法庭)申辩,认罪,辩护• to plead guilty/not guilty 认罪;不认罪例句:How do you plead? (= said by the judge at the start of the trial)你有何辩护?阿桑奇从2012年起在厄瓜多尔驻英国大使馆度过数年,期间一直在为避免被引渡到美国努力。阿桑奇能与美国政府达成认罪协议,也受到了英国工党籍影子内阁外交事务大臣西蒙·伯明翰(Simon Birmingham)的欢迎。伯明翰在一份声明中表示:“我们一直认为应该尊重美国和英国的司法系统。我们欢迎阿桑奇先生的认罪决定,结束这一长期纷争。”想要获取剩下外刊原文+翻译?添加贝贝老师微信⬇️